Take action, beautiful people of the world!

Take action, beautiful people of the world! 

On the pretext of taking care of our health and the planet's climate, the evil Global Elite is DESTROYING HUMANITY, our economy, our rights, our freedoms, DESTROYING OUR CIVILIZATION, our common home, indeed! 

“Proof that the malignant NEW WORLD ORDER has been planned by the Global Elite. Robert Welch, founder of The John Birch Society, predicted today's problems with uncanny accuracy back in 1958 and prescribed solutions in 1974 that are very similar to Ron Paul's positions today. This is proof that there are plans in place by the Global Elite to systemically disassemble US sovereignty,” and all over the world. 

👉🏻 http://youtu.be/AZU0c8DAIU4 [ Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting insiders plans to destroy America… ]

If you wonder who those Global Elite are, just follow the money: WEF (Davos’ summits), Rothschild, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates… Plus governments and international organisms  working for them, v.g., UN, WHO, NATO (WWIII on the corner) etc.

They are evil, INCLUDING DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS OF THE SYSTEM, they want you and your family dead. 

(…) Planned criminal fires in Canada 2023?

👉🏻 http://beckernews.com/there-are-now-250-out-of-control-fires-in-canada-heres-why-some-say-its-all-planned-50595

👉🏻 http://nypost.com/2023/06/06/nyc-choked-by-heavy-unhealthy-smoke-from-canadian-wildfires

Gratitude to the awakened ones! Gratitude to those who are awakening!

FMV Professor

Paris June 2023

# Sun is life, lockdown is death

# Breathe oxygen, do not breathe carbon dioxide (CO2)

# Vaccines are harmful 

# Other biological attacks will come

# The key is the Immune System

# Be aware 

Instituto Tia Alaíse - http://facebook.com/institutotiaalaise - http://t.me/tiaalaise  - http://institutotiaalaise.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaisecheiadevida.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaisecuida.blogspot.com - http://tresvideos.blogspot.com - http://medicosnobrasil.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaiseinstitute.blogspot.com - http://prophylaxisprotocol.blogspot.com


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