A genetically-modified #vassaccine sprayed aerially for all?

A genetically-modified #vassaccine sprayed aerially for all?

Officials are they deploying a genetically-modified #vassaccine aerially without consent?

We are billions, they are a few thousand. Who will stop those criminals?  

Where are the Armed Forces of “sovereign” countries? Are they all corrupted, are they all mercenary traitors?

Gratitude to the awakened ones! Gratitude to those who are awakening!

FMV Professor

Paris June 2022 

# Sun is life, lockdown is death

# Breathe oxygen, do not breathe carbon dioxide (CO2)

# Vaccines are harmful 

# Other biological attacks will come

# The key is the Immune System

# Be aware 

Instituto Tia Alaíse - http://facebook.com/institutotiaalaise - http://t.me/tiaalaise  - http://institutotiaalaise.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaisecheiadevida.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaisecuida.blogspot.com - http://tresvideos.blogspot.com - http://medicosnobrasil.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaiseinstitute.blogspot.com - http://prophylaxisprotocol.blogspot.com


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