2024: who is going to stop Bill Gates?

2024: who is going to stop Bill Gates?

" The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power... "

If humanity does not stop the Global Elite (Deep State, WEF and a thousand other names), meaning:

If sovereign countries do not break with the UN - WHO etc.,

Most of all, if the peoples do not rise up in defense of their fundamental freedoms and civil rights now, 

2024 will be the year of more # PLANDEMICS, more #VASSASSINS, WWIII and UNNATURAL CATASTROPHES (sic), devastating, exterminating, massacring human life, human civilization, celebrating, exalting Lucifer and the darkness. 

Gratitude to the awakened ones! Gratitude to those who are awakening!

FMV Professor

U.S.A. January 2024

# Sun is life, lockdown is death

# Breathe oxygen, do not breathe carbon dioxide (CO2)

# Vaccines are harmful 

# Other biological attacks will come

# The key is the Immune System

# Be aware 

Instituto Tia Alaíse - http://facebook.com/institutotiaalaise - http://t.me/tiaalaise  - http://institutotiaalaise.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaisecheiadevida.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaisecuida.blogspot.com - http://tresvideos.blogspot.com - http://medicosnobrasil.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaiseinstitute.blogspot.com - http://prophylaxisprotocol.blogspot.com


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