#Nuremberg2023 #GoStreets #LibertyInDanger




Rise up people of the world! Go to the streets, go to the front of the barracks!  

Fight for freedom… Enough of the System - Global Elite, NWO, UN-WHO-FAO, NATO-EU, WWIII, Mandates, Dictatorship of “Health”, Tyranny of “Ecology”, “Political Correctness”, “Gender Ideology”, Brainwashing, Poverty, Genocide, Zombization, Corruption of Human DNA, Magnetization, Caused Diseases, Cancer, HIV, Heart Attacks, Strokes, Sudden Deaths etc. Slavery, Great Reset! Enough is enough!  

#FREEDOM! #GoStreets! Go to the doors of the Armed Forces! Stay there! Speak up! Speak up your civil rights, your constitutional rights, your human rights, your economy, your freedoms, your family, your life! Do it NOW, while you can!

People of the world, organize yourselves! Wipe out Global Elite! Wipe out political class! 

#2023! Strength and wisdom!

 (…) There will be many catastrophes - natural and man-made - in addition to the “Sovereignties versus New World Disorder” disputes and vice versa, which will intensify…

Challenging year, at the same time a privilege to be here in this planetary transition!


Transformation of bad karmas into good karmas is the best we can do. Discernment, an amazing start.

Gratitude to the awakened ones! Gratitude to those who are awakening!

FMV Professor

Paris January 2023

# Sun is life, lockdown is death

# Breathe oxygen, do not breathe carbon dioxide (CO2)

# Vaccines are harmful 

# Other biological attacks will come

# The key is the Immune System

# Be aware 

Instituto Tia Alaíse - http://facebook.com/institutotiaalaise - http://t.me/tiaalaise  - http://institutotiaalaise.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaisecheiadevida.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaisecuida.blogspot.com - http://tresvideos.blogspot.com - http://medicosnobrasil.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaiseinstitute.blogspot.com - http://prophylaxisprotocol.blogspot.com


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