(2) Nuremberg 2.0

Global Genocide 

Domino effect: 2022 NUREMBERG TRIAL IS COMING! 

Pretty good and happy news for Humanity! ICLCJ Verdict and Sentence: GLOBAL GENOCIDE 

👉🏻 http://commonlaw.earth/iclcj-verdict-and-sentence 

Gratitude to those who are awakening! Gratitude to the awakened ones! 

Do NOT accept any mandates! Do NOT accept any Nazi “health” passports!

FMV Professor

U.S.A. February 2022

# Sun is life, lockdown is death

# Breathe oxygen, do not breathe carbon dioxide (CO2)

# Vaccines are harmful 

# Other biological attacks will come

# The key is the Immune System

# Be aware 

Instituto Tia Alaíse - http://facebook.com/tiaalaise - http://institutotiaalaise.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaisecheiadevida.blogspot.com - http://tiaalaisecuida.blogspot.com - http://tresvideos.blogspot.com [3 short videos in English and French, subtitles in Portuguese]


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